A total of 2511 Best Graduate Students from State University 11 partners Bakrie Center Foundation (BCF) register to receive Bakrie Graduate Fellowship Scholarship to be awarded in the academic year 2015-2016. Standard minimum GPA of 3.5 with a track record of leadership is a requirement to sign up for this scholarship program, which opened on February 1, 2015 and closed March 31, 2015.
This year for the first time since the scholarship is rolled out in 2010, BCF opened registration via the online system website www.bcf.or.id. The online system is admittedly very helpful for students to register themselves as one of the scholarship recipients. Some of the selection process should be followed by the applicants, starting from the selection and administration. After going through the selection and administration are quite strict then the elected candidate who passes required to complete the other requirements, including sending essay on leadership. Selection advanced form of interviews conducted in the form of a 'Video Call' before the candidate presented by the BCF team to each of the Graduate Program to get the best candidate. From the ratio of applicants this year, only about 1 scholarship received from 31 applicants who register.
One of the interesting and distinguish the institution gives other scholarships, BCF provides a program full scholarship that covers tuition, living expenses and study for second year students, as well as provide coaching programs and mentoring for alumni who have graduated to adapt and perform devotion to the people in accordance with their respective fields. One of the debriefing is done by inviting alumni to participate in the Public Discussion of each month held BCF in collaboration with the International Institute partner BCF, as well as the Embassy of countries friendly to discuss topics of interest around ASEAN and Global that everything is done in the Video Conference using language English.
BCF is an institution founded by the third generation, led by Anindya Bakrie N Bakrie. Since it was founded in 2010 and BCF has awarded scholarships to 450 students from various disciplines S2. They are scattered in 11 state universities in the country and two universities abroad. BCF in Indonesia in cooperation with ITB, IPB, Univ Gajahmada, Airlangga Univ, Univ Udayana, Univ Hassanudin, Univ Mulawarman, Sam Ratulangi Univ, Univ Cendrawasih University Andalas Lampung and Univ. While abroad in cooperation with RSIS Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Stanford University, USA.
BCF also conducted leadership training for alumni scholarships and other outstanding students on campus. Number of alumni now has reached 1,500 people. In addition to these two programs BCF also established a research center named Bakrie Chair for Southeast Asian Studies, in collaboration with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.

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